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History of Western Philosophy

Taille reliureHistory of Western Philosophy
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RésuméHistory Of Western Philosophy was published in 1946. A dazzlingly ambitious project, it remains unchallenged to this day as the ultimate introduction to Western philosophy.
Texte supplémentaire'Remains unchallenged as the perfect introduction to its subject ... exactly the kind of philosophy that most people would like to read, but which only Russell could possibly have written.' - Ray Monk, University of Southampton, UK'Beautiful and luminous prose, not merely classically clear but scrupulously honest.' - Isaiah Berlin'It is a witty bird's-eye view of the main figures in Western thought enlivened by references to the personalities and quirks of the thinkers themselves.' - The Week'A great philosopher's lucid and magisterial look at the history of his own subject, wonderfully readable and enlightening.' - The Observer
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2004
Date de parution02.02.2004
Pages792 pages
DimensionsLargeur 138 mm, Hauteur 216 mm, Épaisseur 46 mm
Poids964 g
IllustrationsFarb., s/w. Abb.
BZ n°8591345


Table des matières
Preface, Introduction, BOOK ONE - Ancient Philosophy, PART I: The Pre-Socratics, PART II: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, PART III: Ancient Philosophy after Aristotle, BOOK TWO - Catholic Philosophy, Introduction, PART I: The Fathers, PART II: The Schoolmen, BOOK THREE - Modern Philosophy, PART I: From the Renaissance to Hume, Part II: From Rousseau to the Present Day, Indexplus


Bertrand Russell (1872-1970). The leading British philosopher of the twentieth century, who made major contributions in the areas of logic and epistemology. Politically active and habitually outspoken, his ethical principles twice led to imprisonment.
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