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Customer Relationship Management

Einband grossCustomer Relationship Management
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextCustomer Relationship Management gives a well-balanced coverage of strategy and organisation, marketing aspects, analytical CRM, operational CRM, CRM systems and their implementation. It is the only comprehensive academic text to cover the entire scope of CRM from a marketing management angle.

Geared to MBA students and advanced undergraduate students, as well as those taking courses on CRM, direct marketing, relationship marketing, database management or business intelligence, the book is also appropriate for graduate students in information management attending courses on CRM and participants in specific CRM/database management.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
Auflage2. A.
Seiten440 Seiten
MasseBreite 191 mm, Höhe 249 mm, Dicke 23 mm
Gewicht828 g


Part 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Customer-Supplier Relationships

Chapter 2: Customer Relationship Management


Part 2: Strategy and Organisation

Chapter 3: CRM as an integral business strategy

Chapter 4: The relationship oriented organisation


Part 3: Intelligence

Chapter 5: Customer knowledge strategy

Chapter 6: Customer data management

Chapter 7: Data analyses and datamining

Chapter 8: Segmentation and selections

Chapter 9: Retention and cross-sell analyses

Chapter 10: Management reporting: measuring, learning and optimising


Part 4: Marketing

Chapter 11: The customer proposition

Chapter 12: The relationship policy


Part 5: Channels

Chapter 13: Multi-channel management

Chapter 14: Personal selling

Chapter 15: Online environment

Chapter 16: Contact Centre Management


Part 6: CRM Systems and their implementation

Chapter 17: CRM systems

Chapter 18: Implementation of CRM systems

Chapter 19: The future


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