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Résumé'Good b.o means good "box office." You can smell it from a mile away'

The legendary sixties New York pop artist Andy Warhol's hilarious and insightful vignettes and aphorisms on the topics of love, fame and beauty.

Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2018
Date de parution22.02.2018
Pages64 pages
DimensionsLargeur 112 mm, Hauteur 160 mm, Épaisseur 7 mm
Poids45 g
BZ n°24191810


Andy Warhol
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