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Insight: Intermediate: Workbook

Einband grossInsight: Intermediate: Workbook
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


RésuméInsight second edition is a thought-provoking course that empowers students to think deeply about the world around them. Real-life and engaging topics, with a focus on Global Skills, encourage students to become thoughtful thinkers with positive attitudes to lifelong learning.

The Workbook provides further practice of the language and skills taught in the Student Book. It offers extra exercises for every lesson, Wordlist and new Assessyour Progress sections thatallow students to take responsibility for their learning as part of the new Assessment for Learning approach.
RésuméNew Global Skills pages help students to develop the range of skills they need to achieve lifelong success. Build strong foundations for exam success with Exam Insight pages that provide further practice of typical exam tasks with exam strategies. Develop students' love of reading with Literature Insight pages that provide literary excerpts and comprehension practice. Develop students' awareness of their learning with Assess your progresspages at the end of each unit. Consolidate language learning with the Wordlist. Grammar Reference with extra support and practice develop students' confidence in using English.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
ProduktionslandVereinigtes Königreich
Auflage2. A.
Seiten136 Seiten
MasseLargeur 210 mm, Hauteur 297 mm, Épaisseur 7 mm
Gewicht334 g
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