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Dominoes: One: From the Heart

Taille reliureDominoes: One: From the Heart
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméDominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for learners. Each reader is carefully graded to ensure each student reads from the right level from the very beginning.
RésuméAnna is a new student at Oxford University. When she arrives in Oxford, she meets Selim, and they become good friends. But Selim is not English, and living in a different country is not easy for him. Anna tries to help but she knows that her father isn't going to like it.
Selim and Anna have each other. But is that enough? And can they find true happiness together?
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2009
Date de parution17.12.2009
Pages56 pages
DimensionsLargeur 148 mm, Hauteur 210 mm, Épaisseur 6 mm
Poids115 g
BZ n°5553365


Build your language skills through reading Dominoes, the interactive readers


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