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insight: Intermediate: Teacher's Book with Teacher's Resource Disk

Einband grossinsight: Intermediate: Teacher's Book with Teacher's Resource Disk
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméThe Teacher's Book includes in-depth teaching notes with additional cultural and language information for full classroom support, as well as extra activities that allow flexibility in your lessons. The Teacher's Book also includes the answer keys and audio scripts for the material found in the Student's Book.

The accompanying Teacher's Resource Disk provides a wealth of additional resources to support your lesson content. This includes additional communication worksheets to practice key language from the Student's Book, documentary video clips with worksheets and lesson guides, a functional language bank of key communicative phrases and a writing bank of key writing formats used in the course. The Disk also includes suggestions for classroom activities such as teaching creative writing,involving technology-expert students and using video.
RésuméThe Teacher's Book and Teacher's Resource Disk provide ready-made extra resources which match the topics and language covered in the Student's Book. Whether you need ideas to support your weaker students, ways to stretch your stronger students or just simply more activities for the whole class, the Teacher's Book and Teacher's Resource Disk have everything you need. The video material on the Teacher's Resource Disk is linked to the material in the Student's Book and has accompanying worksheets and lesson guides to ensure that your students get the most out of the footage. Additional pair and group work photocopiable resources practise key language from the Student's Book and can be used as extension material. Useful culture and language notes are also provided, to give you background information on the points covered in the Student's Book and extra discussion questions that you can use.
Type de produitLivre
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2013
Date de parution05.09.2013
DimensionsLargeur 210 mm, Hauteur 295 mm, Épaisseur 11 mm
Poids402 g
BZ n°14629029


The Teacher's Book and Teacher's Resource Disk provides everything you need to create interesting and engaging lessons for your
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