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A Wrinkle in Time

9 - 11 J., B-format paperback
Einband grossA Wrinkle in Time
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextMadeleine L'Engle lived in New York and wrote over 60 books for children, including A WRINKLE IN TIME, the first in her Time Quintet series and winner of the highly prestigious Newbury Medal. She died in 2007, aged 88.
ZusammenfassungPuffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every child.

We can't take any credit for our talents. It's how we use them that counts.

When Charles and Meg Murry go searching through a 'wrinkle in time' for their lost father, they find themselves on an evil planet where all life is enslaved by a huge pulsating brain known as 'It'.

Meg, Charles and their friend Calvin embark on a cosmic journey helped by the funny and mysterious trio of guardian angels, Mrs Whatsit, Mrs Who and Mrs Which. Together they must find the weapon that will defeat It.

A groundbreaking and inspiring story of travel through time and space to battle a cosmic evil which has sold millions of copies and transformed children's literature. Winner of the Newbery Medal.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
FormatB-Format Paperback (UK)
ProduktionslandVereinigtes Königreich
Seiten288 Seiten
MasseBreite 130 mm, Höhe 198 mm, Dicke 18 mm
Gewicht205 g


Madeleine L'Engle lived in New York and wrote over 60 books for children, including A WRINKLE IN TIME, the first in her Time Quintet series and winner of the highly prestigious Newbury Medal. She died in 2007, aged 88.
Ngadi Smart is a Sierra-Leonean visual artist and designer based between London, UK, and Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Her practice consists of illustration, photography and design. She also works as a mixed-media artist, primarily in the form of collage art. In her illustration work, she is motivated by the representation of minorities, highlighting cultural identity and racial discrimination, as well as themes on feminism and gender roles. She likes to deconstruct mainstream society's views of what is 'normal', 'beautiful' and 'right'. She has illustrated for the Atlantic, Time Out London, Eastpak and the Guardian, among others.
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